+91 99330-19484


  1. cine solutions was created to help filmmakers create a cohesive shooting schedule and economical budget based upon the location. Our budgets are not only based on locations but upon the shooting parameters like how may shooting weeks, number of crew members, any special above the line requirements, etc. We will help you outline how to make your movie with the budget you have in the time you have. Yes miracles excluded of course.

    • The costing of total project
    • Transparency
    • We do not over run the estimate
    We will arm you with the information you need to arrive on set and be the most effective you can. We schedule and budget as low as possible and this is possible due to our experience with more than 50 film shootings. We fine tune for a lower amount so that you put the money on the screen instead of in the wastebasket that reflects that we are serious and have thought for you. Proper schedule and budget are the two most important factors of production. Without a good planning schedule and budget, one can be behind schedule by the end of the first few days of shooting in India and possibly over budget too. We have experience for shooting schedules and budgets for productions. Please allow us to give you accurate information on locations, crews, vendors, unions, etc. regularly.

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